15 04, 2018

Is surveillance a SIGINT or HUMINT skill?

By | 2018-04-15T06:24:48+00:00 April 15th, 2018|0 Comments

Surveillance is mistakenly listed in the rulebook as both a SIGINT (p. 68) and a HUMINT (p. 37) skill. Physical surveillance (tailing another person or vehicle, eavesdropping in public without special equipment, etc.) is a HUMINT skill. SIGINT is only for electronic surveillance, that is, signals intelligence.

15 04, 2018

Can ICON agents operate outside the law and get away with it?

By | 2018-04-15T06:21:04+00:00 April 15th, 2018|0 Comments

ICON operates covertly, meaning that their operations are deniable and cannot be traced back to their true source. Agents are forbidden to reveal their status as ICON operatives without direct orders from a superior such as a station chief, and a station chief will not give such an order lightly, if at all. Agents operate under cover identities, and are [...]

6 04, 2018

If my character has “hand to hand combat” as a skill, do they get all the fighting styles with it?

By | 2018-04-15T06:41:07+00:00 April 6th, 2018|0 Comments

No. Each fighting style uses one skill slot. Page 76 states "each fighting style uses one proficiency slot." For clarity's sake, this is changed to "skill slot" in the PDF.   When choosing "hand to hand combat" as a skill, the agent must choose one fighting style. Additional fighting styles must be learned using mission points. Fighting styles are an [...]

5 04, 2018

Dice stepping – up and down

By | 2018-04-05T06:06:07+00:00 April 5th, 2018|0 Comments

What happens if the rules call for me to step up a d12, or step down a d4? If you are called upon to step up a d12, you may add an additional die as appropriate. Stepping up one die type (⇧1) would add a d4 to your pool. ⇧2 would add a d6, and so on. If you are told [...]