New archetypes for Top Secret: New World Order™

Q: Are there any new Archetypes for TOP SECRET: New World Order™?


Allen “The Silencer” Hammack introduced a “Cat Burglar” in Madison, Wisconsin. I turned the “Cat Burglar” into a former criminal “Black-Bag Expert” and countered it with the law-abiding “Constable.”

Both Archetypes worked together during OPERATION: WAY DOWN UNDER. After sneaking around a mining camp undetected, the “Black-Bag Expert” found the target, a silver, metal cylinder weighing 110 pounds (50 kilograms), but could not budge it without the “Constable’s” assistance.

I want to develop an office “Analyst” or laboratory “Squint” and put them in the field for testing. Another archetype I have discussed with Jayson Elliot is a “Cleaner” to work with or cover up after a “Ronin,” “Nanny (Babysitter)”, or “Sandbagger.”



Counter-Intelligence Division Field Operative

Possible Covers: Cat Burglar, Filcher, Housebreaker, Pilferer, Prowler, Safeblower, Safebreaker, Safecracker, Second-Story Thief or Worker, Shoplifter, Sneak Thief

Nerve: d10

Suave: d10

Pulse: d4

Intellect: d6

Reflex: d10






Clearance: d8

Reputation: -d4


  • English d12
  • Russian d8
  • Arabic d8

You were a common criminal. After being captured for Burglary, Petit Larceny, and Grand Larceny, and given the choice of prosecution or cooperation, you chose to become a Black-Bag Expert. Now you are the employee of a privately-owned company but authorized by ICON to do more entering than breaking. Black-bag work generally entails the planting of bugs or surveillance devices. You are currently reassigned as a field operative. You are trained in these Specialized Skills under the Tradecraft listed in parentheses: Filch (HUMINT), Lock Picking (HUMINT), Protective Security (COMBAT), Rappel (COMBAT), and Stealth (HUMINT).

Background: Criminal

Attaché Cases: Cat Kennel and Burglar Tools.

Commlink, Earphone, Throat-mic: Each operative receives one battery-powered set and all are tuned to the same frequency so team members can communicate simultaneously up to 1 mile apart.

Special Device: Glasscutter, Lock Pick Set, and Safecracker Tools.

Weapon:  Not allowed to carry a weapon.

Possible Contact Assets: Antique Appraiser, Fine Art Appraiser, Jewelry Appraiser.

Possible Criminal Contact Assets: Fence who sells stolen objects, Racketeer, Black Marketer, Bootlegger, Moonshiner.

Phobia: Unknown.

Mania: Aeluromania – The uncontrollable fondness for house cats. You are a “cat person.”

Personal Secret: You are the victim of blackmail, coerced into espionage and reluctant and therefore neither suitable nor reliable.

Hidden Talent: You collect antique furniture and antique jewelry.



Intelligence Division Field Operative

Possible Covers: Chauffer, Deaf Translator, Lip Reader, Police Officer, Taxi Driver

Nerve: d8

Suave: d8

Pulse: d8

Intellect: d8

Reflex: d8






Clearance: d4

Reputation: 0


  • AMSLAN (American Sign Language) d10
  • Braille (both fingertip and sight read) d8
  • Mandarin (dialect) Chinese d6
  • English d12

You are trained in these Specialized Skills under the Tradecraft listed in parentheses: Legal Systems (HUMINT), Lip Reading (HUMINT), Negotiation (HUMINT), Sign Language (COMBAT), and Surveillance (HUMINT).

Background: Legitimate. You were recruited straight out of a police academy where you had already attained some degree of intelligence proficiency.

Home Intelligence Agency: NSA/CSS (National Security Agency/Central Security Service) (USA)

Attaché Cases: Standard Business and Burglar Tools

Commlink, Earphone, Throat-mic: Each operative receives one battery-powered set and all are tuned to the same frequency so team members can communicate simultaneously up to 1 mile apart.

Special Device: Infrared Camera that captures human face thermal images (even in utter darkness) linked through deep neural network computer system to both infrared and visible light face-recognition systems that returns results in 35 milliseconds or 28 frames per second.

Weapon:  NRMPEP – No Recoil, Magnetic Propulsion, Electric Pistol. On automatic, it silently accelerates a burst of three 9mm steel slugs without gunpowder. It carries 30 shots and has a 100-yard effective range.

Possible Contact Assets: Animal Handler (K-9 Officer), Bomb Disposal Expert with Bomb Defusing Tools, and Forensic Crime Expert.

Possible Criminal Contact Assets: Criminal Informer (Fink, Pigeon, Rat, Snitch, Stool Pigeon)

Phobia: Coprophobia – The fear of bird droppings. This includes birds flying overhead, bird baths, bird nests, and bird houses.

Mania: Unknown.

Personal Secret: You perform miniature gardening, keep a balanced terrarium, and practice bonsai, the art of dwarfing trees.

Hidden Talent: You can start a fire by friction and wood powder or with flint (hard rock), steel, and a tinder.

By | 2018-11-10T00:37:12+00:00 April 24th, 2018|The Rasmussen Files|0 Comments

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