Official briefings from ICON, disseminated by the Director of Operations (D-Ops)

18 03, 2019

Prototype! New action point tracker

By | 2019-03-18T02:10:34+00:00 March 18th, 2019|General, ICON Briefings|3 Comments

The initiative system in Top Secret NWO is based on action points. The higher your reflex, the earlier you can take an action each round, and the more actions you can take. To track that more easily, we came up with a player aid. After playtesting some handmade versions at TotalCon, we designed a prototype with punch-out action points and [...]

3 04, 2018

A few rules questions addressed

By | 2018-04-27T06:49:30+00:00 April 3rd, 2018|ICON Briefings|0 Comments

A number of questions have been asked regarding details of the rules in Top Secret: New World Order. An official page of rules updates and errata can be found at For more illumination, James Carpio has made the first of a few videos answering a few of the first things that players have asked.