How to get started playing Top Secret: New World Order
Character creation in Top Secret: New World Order
Jayson and Hanae provide a detailed walkthrough of how to create your own secret agent character for Top Secret NWO.
Prototype! New action point tracker
The initiative system in Top Secret NWO is based on action points. The higher your reflex, the earlier you can take an action each round, and the more actions you can take. To track that more easily, we came up with a player aid. After playtesting some handmade versions at TotalCon, we designed a prototype with punch-out action points and [...]
New archetypes for Top Secret: New World Order™
Q: Are there any new Archetypes for TOP SECRET: New World Order™? Allen “The Silencer” Hammack introduced a “Cat Burglar” in Madison, Wisconsin. I turned the “Cat Burglar” into a former criminal “Black-Bag Expert” and countered it with the law-abiding “Constable.” Both Archetypes worked together during OPERATION: WAY DOWN UNDER. After sneaking around a mining camp undetected, the “Black-Bag [...]
The inflat-a-gator
What is the source of the term, “The Inflat-A-Gator?” After a briefing regarding a South American mission, I offered a team of agents seven options in experimental equipment for ICON Field Trials: W.A.S.P Tactical Knife – Injection, Drone Hoverboard, Tactical Communication and Protective System (TCAPS), Spy Glasses, Multi-Utility Tactical Transport (MUTT), Quadrotor outfitted with a Machine Gun, and Bomb Disposal [...]
Who is responsible for TOP SECRET: NEW WORLD ORDER™, the espionage role-playing game?
I wish to use my first answer in this issue of The Rasmussen Files to recognize the artists, writers, editors, and masterminds who made TOP SECRET: NEW WORLD ORDER™ a reality. It is my duty and privilege to thank you for your contribution to the success of this new product. It has been four years since Jayson Elliot asked if I [...]